Methane Hydrate Production-Downhole Steam Generator
Precision Combustion, Inc. (PCI) is developing a downhole catalytic combustor steam generator for efficient production of methane from its hydrate. Gas hydrate is a crystalline solid (see photo at right) consisting of gas molecules, each surrounded by a cage of water molecules. The gas is held in this state by a combination of low temperature and high pressure. If the gas could be effectively, safely and controllably tapped, gas hydrates offer the potential for making major contributions to meeting DOE primary objectives regarding energy needs and energy independence while substantially expanding available world energy reserves.The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that methane hydrat may contain more organic carbon than all the world's coal, oil, and non-hydrate natural gas combined. The magnitude of this previously unknown global storehouse has raised serious inquiry into the possibility of using methane hydrate as a source of energy.[U.S. DOE Methane Hydrate Program].
[U.S. Geological Service]
Results from the U.S. Department of Energy Small Business Innovation Research project show that natural gas can be produced from its hydrate at an energy cost of approximately 15% of the heating value of the produced gas. A 5" OD device was designed to provide heat rates in the range of 50 MMBtu/hr at 100 atm. This is enough for 8.0 MM scf/day natural gas production assuming 15% consumption for production, as predicted by our modeling. Bench scale operation met the operational requirements to move to full scale high pressure single combustor testing, and a full scale design has been completed. The design is now ready to provide prototypes to producers and developers interested in a thermal stimulation tool for production of gas from hydrates.
Contact PCI to learn more about how our solutions may be adapted for your needs.